Thursday, March 26, 2009

What is your deepest, darkest secret you are willing to share?

PERSONAL INFO!!!!!! jk, um... idk
What is your deepest, darkest secret you are willing to share?
if i share it, it is no longer a secret!
What is your deepest, darkest secret you are willing to share?
HELLO...SECRET!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Reply:do you really think i%26#039;d put it on here?
Reply:This is not going to be a one word answer.

At every point in my life , what I thought was a deep, dark secret.I found out tat a little later that my thinking and fear was wrong and there are many many with similar experiences. It nolonger remained a deep, dark secret and my fears were gone.

The only thing that I consider to be a secret is my inadequecy.Others seem to think that I am fine and I donot have the courage to say that I am not worth that evaluation.
Reply:Just how much it bothers me that people don%26#039;t understand a philosophy section in YA. Shush, don%26#039;t tell anyone.
Reply:i have a growing hatred for all of humanity...

just kidding....
Reply:I%26#039;m willing to share that i will not share it
Reply:I like to watch Powerpuff Girls!
Reply:this question is getting to be as redundant %26amp; evern more retarded as %26quot;the meaning of life%26quot; question.

the whole point of a secret is NOT telling anyone, let alone a bunch of strangers online.

so just quit while you%26#039;re behind. simpleton
Reply:I take nude photos of my self, and later delete them, so no one would see them...

What's a soul mate. Do we all have the same souls, is it universal or are they shaded by personalities?

Soulmate (or soul mate) is a term sometimes used to designate someone with whom one has a feeling of deep and natural affinity, friendship, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality and/or compatibility. A related concept is that of the twin flame or twin soul – which is thought to be the ultimate soulmate, the one and only other half of one%26#039;s soul, for which all souls are driven to find and join.
What%26#039;s a soul mate. Do we all have the same souls, is it universal or are they shaded by personalities?
Twin soul or in other words %26quot;true love%26quot;.

Legends said, humans originally were combined of four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces, but Zeus feared their power and split them all in half, condemning them to spending their lives searching for the other half to complete them.
What%26#039;s a soul mate. Do we all have the same souls, is it universal or are they shaded by personalities?
here is an interesting quote...

%26quot;people think your soul mate is your perfect fit, and thats what everyone wants, but, a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that%26#039;s holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you%26#039;ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever..? Nah, too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yoursefl to you, and then they leave. And thank God for it.%26quot; - Elizabeth Gilbert


I think the word %26quot;soul mate%26quot; can mean so many different things. To me, its like a connection. Any connection where you feel it so deep, you feel like your soul has the hardest grip on the other person%26#039;s soul. A connection is a connection...good or bad. Sometimes we have a strong deeeep connection with someone, but It%26#039;s unhealthy. Thats what that quote means to me. Not that i%26#039;ll never be able to live with me soul mate forever...just reasurance that people come and go and it%26#039;s ok b/c thats what was suppose to happen.
Reply:I think it is just a fancy. %26quot;soul%26quot; is itself an unknown; a hypothesis, in some respects unnecessary. Talking of %26#039;soul mates%26#039; is just a way of saying that two persons are very close.
Reply:What%26#039;s a soul mate?

I will not tire you with words.

A soul mate is an answer to an unspoken question.

Same souls? Universal?----- Is every fingerprint alike?

Is every snowflake the same?
Reply:While marriage is difficult, and discordant and frustrated marriages are common, yet real, lasting happiness is possible, and marriage can be more an exultant ecstasy than the human mind can conceive. This is within the reach of every couple, every person. “Soul mates” are fiction and an illusion; and while every young man and young woman will seek with all diligence and prayerfulness to find a mate with whom life can be most compatible and beautiful, yet it is certain that almost any good man and any good woman can have happiness and a successful marriage if both are willing to pay the price.

There is a never-failing formula which will guarantee to every couple a happy and eternal marriage; but like all formulas, the principal ingredients must not be left out, reduced, or limited. The selection before courting and then the continued courting after the marriage process are equally important, but not more important than the marriage itself, the success of which depends upon the two individuals—not upon one, but upon two.
Reply:I think a soul mate is someone who just gets;s as though when you met you%26#039;ve known each other forever.

A soul mate does not have to be the opposite can be a same-sex soul mate.....a friend.
Reply:One aspect of the soul is awareness. Awareness is universal. There can be no two ways of experiencing awareness. It is wordless and without opinion and is not subjective.

It is when we observe via the shades of ego or personality that our view of things becomes blurred.

Ram Dass said that people are like the fingers of God and each finger is a representative of God%26#039;s awareness. God is aware of everything via all sentient beings that possess awareness. It is we who imagine we are separate and the mind creates an image of personality that creates the illusion of separateness.
Reply:its what is known as true love,when both parts love each other with all there heart,and soul..Two people with caring,loving,understanding,always there for the other in all things,weather in bad time or good,abiding truly by the vows you take in marriage,upholding them to the end,the gift of giving true love to another as they give back the same to you..
Reply:Soul is how we describe the intelligence of a rational being. The soul is able to deduce beyond what we experience naturally, so it is supernatural or spiritual.

Soul-mate describes the compatible union of one person%26#039;s emotions and reason with another person.

How to unflag yourself on chatango i know its posible coz i sow it happen?

plz plz plz plz plz plz plz tel me

What are humanity's problems today? Can you enumerate?

People, many people are careless about their world, they think of nothing but their own circle of life, their house, their family, their city, but not the rest of the world. Million are suffering, millions have lost their homes, thousands are in war. Are the rest of the human race being careless of these. Write your opinions. Are you one of them?
What are humanity%26#039;s problems today? Can you enumerate?
Haves - selfishness and greed

Have nots - food and shelter

Just those two answers should be simple for even a less than bright individual to figure out.
What are humanity%26#039;s problems today? Can you enumerate?
Humanities problems today are the same as the problems from the beginning of history. Nothing will ever change that.
Reply:We don%26#039;t take care of each other.....we close our eyes or blame the people who are having the problems.

Unless you walk in someones shoes you have no idea what their life is like.

It%26#039;s easy to caste blame and criticize.....but until we become each others brothers humanity will just sink lower and lower.
Reply:I don%26#039;t think it is selfish to worry about your own well being. It is important to remember to nourish yourself and keep healthy. However, if you have 6 cars and a friend needs to borrow one, but you refuse for no good reason...that is selfish.

I think it is important to help if you have the means to help. If you don%26#039;t, obviously you can%26#039;t.
Reply:The problem of humanity is too many to enumerate and too complex to discuss but I%26#039;d say the REAL problem is the humanity itself. All we can do to at least make this world a better place is do our part in preserving it and show people that we care. That at least, lessens the problem of humanity which in itself is the real problem anyway.

here%26#039;s a song lyrics for you... (how appropriate!)


Think about the generations and to say we want to make it a better

world for our children and our children%26#039;s children. So that they know

it%26#039;s a better world for them; and think if they can make it a better


There%26#039;s a place in your heart , And I know that it is love

And this place could be much, Brighter than tomorrow.

And if you really try, You%26#039;ll find there%26#039;s no need to cry

In this place you%26#039;ll feel, There%26#039;s no hurt or sorrow.

There are ways to get there

If you care enough for the living

Make a little space, make a better place.

Heal the world, Make it a better place

For you and for me and the entire human race

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for You and for me.

If you want to know why, There%26#039;s a love that cannot lie

Love is strong, It only cares for joyful giving.

If we try we shall see, In this bliss we cannot feel

Fear or dread

We stop existing and start living

Then it feels that always

Love%26#039;s enough for us growing

Make a better world, make a better world.

And the dream we would conceived in

Will reveal a joyful face

And the world we once believed in

Will shine again in grace

Then why do we keep strangling life

Wound this earth, crucify it%26#039;s soul

Though it%26#039;s plain to see, this world is heavenly

Be God%26#039;s glow.

We could fly so high, Let our spirits never die

In my heart I feel, You are all my brothers

Create a world with no fear, Together we%26#039;ll cry happy tears

See the nations turn, Their swords into plowshares

We could really get there, If you cared enough for the living

Make a little space to make a better place.

There are people dying if you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me.
Reply:the earth is OVER populated. people are depleating all the natural resources and in doing so polluting the environment. there are too many people with too many different opinions. Can we ALL get along?
Reply:Blatantly your school essay question.
Reply:Humanity%26#039;s problems today are the same they have always been. The problem is a spiritual one. As long as we, as individuals, believe we are all separate beings and that one%26#039;s pain has nothing to do with any other%26#039;s, we will stay in this relative state of selfish %26#039;me%26#039; %26#039;mine%26#039; and %26#039;I%26#039;.
Reply:first the problem we.because we we don%26#039;t understand each other that will be a big miss understand.paroxysmal in the world it going to happens between human being and the humanity.all off the man kinds the think them they are the best no one is best on this time just we have to wonder about all thing it happen around the Small world.I%26#039;m not going to answer your question right now but i will be in contact with you,there some people are benefiting from this thing what they are doing,big marked in the world.and if we look at ourselves we will know all the answer, how long we going to life, we will found just all a moment in this big life we don%26#039;t take nothing from all what we are doing, just we travel to the GOD even naked .so please don%26#039;t try to understand me by wrong way, no one care who will life or who will die,just people the talk a lot,
Reply:we are indeed as a nation a selfish people.

we want our comforts and condemn those who don%26#039;t have the means to keep up. this is a flaw in our world. we have lost compassion, in it%26#039;s true form, for others ignoring the homeless, and the people in poverty. as long as it isn%26#039;t us well let someone else take care of it. if we took the %26quot;me%26quot; word out of our vocabulary then we

could see the needs of other more clearly.

those in countries that are poor band together out of need and concern for others.

America has so much so easily obtained that we don%26#039;t find the need to help each other and become cold to others needs. On

the bright side we have had times in this country when we acted like we should. 911 for instance brought out the best in Americans yet it should be an everyday thing not just when a horror of that nature hits out people. am I one of them? I can say for the most part no. I am a human being that makes mistakes and like the rest

can be selfish at times but not like that. I love people and have compassion for those

who hurt and suffer. my belief in God has a

lot to do with this and serves me well.
Reply:about money money money....... problems like finacial social acts and about love...= )
Reply:Well, in my opinion,one of the best answers ever given to this question is to be found in George Garlin`s Paradox.

%26quot;The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more,but have less; we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees

but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little,drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and

hate too often.

We%26#039;ve learned how to make a living, but not a life. We%26#039;ve added years to life not life to years. We%26#039;ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space.

We%26#039;ve done larger things, but not better things. We%26#039;ve cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We%26#039;ve conquered the atom, but not our prejudice.

We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less.

We%26#039;ve learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes.

These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill.

It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete.....%26quot;

If all of nature does not discriminate between life and death e.g. morals, why do we since we are nature or?

part of it. Is nature moral? or is it simply a tool for human survival and order?
If all of nature does not discriminate between life and death e.g. morals, why do we since we are nature or?
Would morality matter if there was only one person on earth? Morality exists as a way to deal with other people. It is a guide for behavior between individuals. If the **** hit the fan would you still live by your moral code or would you be forced to change it? for example if you had to choose between killing someone so your family could survive or not kill someone and have your family die, would you kill them or would you die along with your family. Morality is illusion.

Calling nature moral is a huge anthropromorphism, but I understand what you are getting at. You might want to look into some nietzsche - the geneology of morals. Nature isn%26#039;t moral from it%26#039;s own standpoint but there is some sort of cosmological order to it. You should be aware of the distinction between nature and domesticated humanity. We are seperate from nature to an extent. We are not purely wild or purely domestiated. I suppose you could compare a human to a dog. Prior to morality we were something comparable to an untrained wild dog, after morality has hit us it has turned us into a house dog that listens to commands, and we make sure not to pee on the carpet but some people occasionally do.

Something I've come up with about life. Give me your opinion =)?

Well I am only 14, and what I am about to say comes completely from me. I have been in deep thought about this for the past week and I have come up with this:

Well, atoms make up everything. Atoms, though, are 99.99% empty space. So basically, everything is nothing, at least thats what it seems. But, we can only see about 10% of things based on light spectrum. So, basically our eyes and other sense are obsurdities. Everything we have ever seen or smelled, etc, is totally false and inaccurate. Basically, we all live our lives based on these false observations and absolute obsurdities. Since we cannot see more then 10% of everything, how can we come up with such things as measurement? The fact that we have measurements of length and time, etc, is almost insane, at least that is what I believe.

Thats basically it, for now =)
Something I%26#039;ve come up with about life. Give me your opinion =)?
Well you have lots to learn about life when you get up to my age you then not only have seen what life is all about but have experienced what life is all about
Something I%26#039;ve come up with about life. Give me your opinion =)?
Don%26#039;t try passing through a brick wall at a full run! The molecules that are made from atoms have bonds between them that creates solids, liquids and gases.
Reply:Very intriguing :D

I have also pondered over something similar to that. I mean - how can people measure the Sun when being so close to it can frazzle you?

I%26#039;d ask a Science teacher if I were you. Preferably one that is skilled in the area of Physics.
Reply:You%26#039;ll get some patronising responses here because you started saying %26#039;I%26#039;m only 14%26#039;, but your line of thought is entirely coherent.

An example of this thought is the idea that if the universe halved/doubled in size overnight, we couldn%26#039;t notice the difference - a 30cm ruler might now be 60cm from yesterday%26#039;s point of view, so to speak.

If you want to follow up what you%26#039;re thinking about, you could read this page:

and the wikipedia page called Idealism looks okay too.

I would add that the notion of life founded on absolute absurdities is to be welcomed.
Reply:Actually, atoms are not made of 99.9% space. Scientists have discovered that atoms are filled with different parts, not just protons, neutrons and electrons.

If we smell something, we smell it. It exists because it exists to us. If we say a day is 24 hours long, it is 24 hours because we created time. We fit the passing of the earth around the globe into our measurements. It isn%26#039;t false or inaccurate. If we follow it, it is accurate.

You are over complicating a very simple issue. Just enjoy life, stop calling the sight and smell of a rose fake, just because the atoms that makes it only fill out %26#039;%26#039;1% of space%26#039;%26#039;. It wouldn%26#039;t exist if it was 100% emtpy space, but it isn%26#039;t.
Reply:completely from you huh? Your age shows. However I do appreciate your point of view. I agree that we cannot trust our own senses...
Reply:you guy smart, ************ !

check this out: there%26#039;s an ancient

indian doctrine called sunyavada - comes

from the word sunya = void, emptyness -

look for it;

if you came with your idea withtout

knowing %26#039;bout it, that%26#039;s somethin%26#039; !

and yeah, measurement it%26#039;s an illusion;

everything it%26#039;s affected by entropy, even

the standard you use to measure things;

recently i%26#039;ve heard that the

etalon for meter, which they have

somewhere in Paris, France, it%26#039;s getting

shorter with time, due to atomic


btw, how do we know the lenght

of a day was the same 1000 y ago ?

i%26#039;m talking measurement;

if the planet was spinning faster then

that today, that

means the days were shorter and

the measure unit called %26#039;hour%26#039; was also

Reply:Keep thinking those kinds of thoughts. Let me help you along.

The difference between Newton%26#039;s particles and sensed qualities is found in our experience of them. The immediate experience of colors, odors, and sounds are just that, immediate experience of color, odor, and sound, however the wavelength of blue light is theoretically designated and indirectly verified. Your skepticism arises from the overwhelming difference between these two types of experience: the theoretically postulated, hypothetically designated component of experience and the immediately sensed determinate portion of experience, ---which is part of our very being. The immediately sensed component is relative to each individual while the theoretic component is public, exists within our understanding, and therefore is accessible to everybody, everywhere.

We experience emotional life, embodied life, and psychological life--in their aesthetic immediacy, within which determinate differentiations come and go. In this way, change, and understanding change, is pervasive. Theories follow from questions, and correct theories follow from confirmation of experimental results. In other words, the scientific method is one way to expand our horizons, but that method works best when dealing with physical phenomena. The scientific method is less effective when it comes to expanding our psychological and emotional horizons and these horizons are immediately sensed.

Here’s how F. S. C. Northrop describes the relationship of a fully known thing: “Both components are equally real and primary, and hence good, the one being the complement of the other… (He states) “To be any complete thing is to be not merely an immediately experienced, aesthetically and emotionally felt thing, but also to be what hypothetically conceived and experimentally verified theory designates.” (The Meeting Of East And West, p. 450)

I will give Arthur Eddington the last words here. He was possibly the first person to fully comprehend Einstein’s relativity theory. He also headed up the famous expedition that photographed the solar eclipse which offered proof of relativity theory.

Eddington believed that if you want to fill a vessel you must first make it hollow (the emptiness that vexes). He also said, “our present conception of the physical world is hollow enough to hold almost anything,” hollow enough to hold “that which asks the question,” hollow enough to hold “the scheme of symbols connected by mathematical equations that describes the basis of all phenomena.” He also said, however, “If ever the physicist solves the problem of the living body, he should no longer be tempted to point to his result and say ‘That’s you.’ He should say rather ‘That is the aggregation of symbols which stands for you in my description and explanation of those of your properties which I can observe and measure. If you claim a deeper insight into your own nature by which you can interpret these symbols—a more intimate knowledge of the reality which I can only deal with by symbolism—you can rest assured that I have no rival interpretation to propose. The skeleton is the contribution of physics to the solution of the Problem of Experience; from the clothing of the skeleton it (physics) stands aloof.” (Wilber, 2001, p. 194)

Take care and keep on thinking.
Reply:Great thinking.

Well for measurement man uses that 10 percent pretty well to get an accurate measurements for things around him that will impact other people who rely on those readings. These then are useful for man and serve a necessary purpose.

If there were no longer any boundaries or limits would that mean there would no longer be any Truth?

Yes. Truth would be relative.
If there were no longer any boundaries or limits would that mean there would no longer be any Truth?
there wont be multiple truths but one you just mentioned....Just to understand it and then consciously create any kind of temporary truth not having any limitation at all...What a fun...That is going on anyway but ppl is not aware of it fighting within evergoing dilemma true/false. Being conscious is being aware who you are , where you are and what it is all about......
If there were no longer any boundaries or limits would that mean there would no longer be any Truth?
if there was no boundries and no limits....all there would be is...%26quot;truth%26quot;

Peace and Love to All

Reply:Truth will always be there but redefined. That truth would contain there are no limits or boundaries...truth mirrors the nature of things where ever and what ever they may be.

Is believing in MURPHY'S LAW being SUPERSTITIOUS?

why or why not?
Is believing in MURPHY%26#039;S LAW being SUPERSTITIOUS?
Not really. Superstition implies something you can do to avoid bad luck. Murphy%26#039;s law means you think that bad luck is unavoidable.
Is believing in MURPHY%26#039;S LAW being SUPERSTITIOUS?
MURPHY%26#039;S LAW is a way to state that, within the laws of probability, something will go wrong a some point, and that they tend to (seemingly) go wrong at the most inopportune moments.
Reply:and then there was O%26#039;Brian......O%26#039;Brian thought Murphy was an Optimist.....

Food for thought.....

Peace and Love to All

Reply:It only seems like murphy%26#039;s law is true because when things go well...they are taken for granted, there is no reason to take note of everyday smooth sailing. It is when things get really mashed up that our discomfort level rises and we begin to whine and store events in our memory

If you walked forward half way towards a person, and half way of that half way and half way of the half way?

and so on and so forth, would that mean you would technically never get there?

but surely if you were moving forward all the time you would ultimately need to get there in the end.

does it make sense?
If you walked forward half way towards a person, and half way of that half way and half way of the half way?
Eventually you would be moving microscopic amounts, so you probably would never actually arrive.
If you walked forward half way towards a person, and half way of that half way and half way of the half way?
it makes crazy sense, I think that in the end you%26#039;d only make one step and that%26#039;s a step back, lol
Reply:You%26#039;d never get there.
Reply:I guess you%26#039;d never make it there because you%26#039;d always be moving in smaller and smaller amounts.
Reply:no. but you will be very close. There will always be halfway to go.
Reply:yeah you would have to get there eventually but it would take a very very long time or you would end up not moving at all. if you are halving the distance there still remains distance to walk and then distance to halve. you can%26#039;t halve nothing so yes you would get there or get stuck b/c nothing would remain.
Reply:No, you never get there because you are only ever walking half way.

So there will always be half the distance between you and the person.
Reply:Let%26#039;s say you start one yard away from the person.

After the first step you%26#039;re 1/2 yard away.

After the second step you%26#039;re 1/4 yard away.

After the third step you%26#039;re 1/8 yard away.


After the 10th step you%26#039;re 1/1024 yard away (0.035 inches)


After the 20th step you%26#039;re 1/1048576 yard away. (0.000034 inches)


After the 40th step you%26#039;re 1/1099511627776 yard away. (really tiny number).

Your distance away gets tinier and tinier, but never quite hits zero.
Reply:go figure....and what if ...what you was %26#039;walking%26#039; towards...was also %26#039;walking%26#039; toward you in the same manner......

Keep stepping up...and keep stepping pure of thought and action...there will be a time they Unite.

Peace and Love to All

Reply:well if it was a human walking then you would get there because the measurment between the 2 persons will eventuly get so small that you would touch. this would be the same if you were as big as a sky scraper or as small as a flee. you would eventuly touch.

I hope this helps.

P.S i like your imagination
Reply:yes you%26#039;re moving in the same direction but slowing down with each section so you will never truly get to touch (unless you hold out your hands).

if the distance eis 10 m and you do the 1/2 in a minute you do:

5 metres/ minute to 50%

2.5 metres/minute to 75%

1.25 metres/minute to 87.5%

0.625 metres/minute to 93.75%

0.3125 metre/minute to 96.825%

0.15625 metre/minute to 98.38725%

.... till boredom sets in.

its called the law of diminishing returns basically the ime/effort involved meand syou never achieve 100% but effectively stop at just over 99% (its also used to demonstrate that stopping at 75% is the greatest usable return for the effort involved)
Reply:There is a mathematical term for this - it is an asymptote. It is the value a function approaches but would only reach when the input was infinity. It sounds like nonsense, because in the real world it is. If you continued for long enough you would be so close to your %26#039;ultimate destination%26#039; that no measuring device on earth could detect a separation, nor measure any remaining forward velocity.

Indeed the real world gets even more in the way, because matter is made of atoms, which are constantly on the move and even jumping away. When two bodies get close enough they will even exchange atoms. It%26#039;s a bit hard to say they haven%26#039;t touched at that point. So, that%26#039;s why it sounds like nonsense. It%26#039;s only true for idealised points (i.e. zero size) in a continuous (not quantised, but infinitely divisible) space.
Reply:Makes perfect sense. I once thought about this too.

My theory is that as your half-ways gets tinier, the time for you to travel that half way gets faster until a point where time is at an infinity and the distance of the half ways is at zero, essentially crunching space and time together to a point so that you could travel to your destination.

Hope this makes sense to you.
Reply:Theoretically you%26#039;d never get there. Realistically you%26#039;d be as close to there as you%26#039;d ever want to be (you%26#039;d eventually be down to microscopic distances that you couldn%26#039;t even measure half of).
Reply:this is an old greek thought experiment, that if you shoot an arrow it must first travel half the distance to the target, then half of that, and so on thus the arrow should never get there because it is always travelling half the distance first.

i think the flaw in this logic, is that the arrow is traveling in fact to a point past the target, and thus must travel half the distance and so on but at some point the target will be in the way.

for your walking experiment it is different, since you are suggesting that a person would be walking first halfway to a point and then so on, so the person will never make it to the point, assuming they could shrink and continuously travel half the distance for an infinity.

no you can continuously move forward and never reach your destination, because you can move forward by smaller and smaller increments, infinitely small, though forward by an infinitely small amount it would still be forward.
Reply:you would never get there..and yes it makes sense...any number divided by 2 will never equal zero...I assume zero is considered getting there.
Reply:Every time anything moves a particular distance, it will move through distances as you have described. In an idealised world, a point object, if it paused between such distances then it would never cover the original distance halved. If no gaps in time are made between successive steps then it will just be a continuous movement like any other. For each distance there will correspond a time small enough such that their ratio gives the average speed for that interval. The sum of the infinite series,

1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 +1/16 + 1/32 + 1/64 + ...

is finite, so there is a finite distance and time associated with the motion. This is somewhat analogous to a finite area or volume being enclosed by an infinite perimeter or surface area.
Reply:You wouldn%26#039;t actually get there before you died, because you%26#039;d have to be able to move in microscopic, atom-sized movements.

So, it%26#039;s impossible to actually do that, but what you%26#039;re basically asking is how many times can you divide a number by half, and that goes on forever. But you wouldn%26#039;t reach them.

What is your simple pleasure in life?

and not so simple-luxury.
What is your simple pleasure in life?
video games
What is your simple pleasure in life?
Peace, and a good book. The luxury pleasure is cars.
Reply:Laughing is the best thing ever whether I%26#039;m sad or depressed and hearing something funny I feel so great everytime something makes me smile or laugh
Reply:Freshly ground and brewed Guatemalan Antigua or Sulawesi coffee. No cream. No sugar. Strong.

We really take it for granted.
Reply:Being alive.
Reply:My simple pleasure is...sitting in my garden after the lawn has been mowed and enjoying the smell and looking at the plants luxury is...travelling around Europe on the back of a motor bike...which I love to do as often as I can.
Reply:Increasing knowledge, widening understanding and using this new knowledge to help the world progress.
Reply:enjoying sex with my wife
Reply:spending time with my beautiful small granddaughter

seeing the world through her eyes again and her pleasure in ordinary things

bouncing on trampoline

or proudly singing her new song learned at nursery

luxury - spending my wages on her buying her the things i wanted to buy her mum but couldn%26#039;t afford back in the day
Reply:a simple pleasure in life would be a subtle gesture from a person i have feelings for.

not so simple-luxury would be being able to return the gesture with the same casualty.
Reply:Just... Lying down at the end of a day, closing my eyes and thinking about all the good things in my life. A state of calm is a great pleasure...


2.A good book.

3. A good game.

4.Being with people I care about even if we%26#039;re doing absolutely nothing.



1. Travelling (to different countries)

Reply:my elvis cd%26#039; teresa teng cd%26#039;s.calling home as often as i can.not so simple luxury?that would be the helicopter that we get to take to traffic -jams r rush- hour for my lads.aint life sweet.ciao baby.
Reply:my cup of hot coffee in the morning, with a slice of bread.

what a blessing...
Reply:my cats, i love them so much, i dont know what i would do without their company...

i have other simple pleasures, a hot bath, sex, a walk in the woods, fresh homemade fruit salad, music, but i cant think of anything you might class as a %26#039;luxury%26#039; that i couldnt live without, seriously! i got nothing!

What is your simple pleasure in life?

and not so simple-luxury.
What is your simple pleasure in life?
video games
What is your simple pleasure in life?
Peace, and a good book. The luxury pleasure is cars.
Reply:Laughing is the best thing ever whether I%26#039;m sad or depressed and hearing something funny I feel so great everytime something makes me smile or laugh
Reply:Freshly ground and brewed Guatemalan Antigua or Sulawesi coffee. No cream. No sugar. Strong.

We really take it for granted.
Reply:Being alive.
Reply:My simple pleasure is...sitting in my garden after the lawn has been mowed and enjoying the smell and looking at the plants luxury is...travelling around Europe on the back of a motor bike...which I love to do as often as I can.
Reply:Increasing knowledge, widening understanding and using this new knowledge to help the world progress.
Reply:enjoying sex with my wife
Reply:spending time with my beautiful small granddaughter

seeing the world through her eyes again and her pleasure in ordinary things

bouncing on trampoline

or proudly singing her new song learned at nursery

luxury - spending my wages on her buying her the things i wanted to buy her mum but couldn%26#039;t afford back in the day
Reply:a simple pleasure in life would be a subtle gesture from a person i have feelings for.

not so simple-luxury would be being able to return the gesture with the same casualty.
Reply:Just... Lying down at the end of a day, closing my eyes and thinking about all the good things in my life. A state of calm is a great pleasure...


2.A good book.

3. A good game.

4.Being with people I care about even if we%26#039;re doing absolutely nothing.



1. Travelling (to different countries)

Reply:my elvis cd%26#039; teresa teng cd%26#039;s.calling home as often as i can.not so simple luxury?that would be the helicopter that we get to take to traffic -jams r rush- hour for my lads.aint life sweet.ciao baby.
Reply:my cup of hot coffee in the morning, with a slice of bread.

what a blessing...
Reply:my cats, i love them so much, i dont know what i would do without their company...

i have other simple pleasures, a hot bath, sex, a walk in the woods, fresh homemade fruit salad, music, but i cant think of anything you might class as a %26#039;luxury%26#039; that i couldnt live without, seriously! i got nothing!

What is the most important thing in your life?

My sons.
What is the most important thing in your life?
my family is the most important thing..i would not know what to do with out them..they are my strength and my hero%26#039;s.they bring me up when I%26#039;m down..they encourage me not put me down..
What is the most important thing in your life?
my family and friends.................and adventure ^_^
Reply:My family, most defenitely.
Reply:my zune.

id die without it.
Reply:My life only
Reply:my kids. all of em.
Reply:family %26gt; my love %26gt; friends %26gt; job..

Do you know the muffin man?

The muffin man, the muffin man?
Do you know the muffin man?
Yeah, I know the muffin man! Me, Puss and the fat ogre asked him to help us build the giant gingerbread man Mongo. lol
Do you know the muffin man?
sure i do...he lives down on Drurey lane

: )
Reply:Yes I know the muffin man...he tends to hang out with The One Eyed, One Horned Flying Purple People Eater..ha ha
Reply:%26quot;You mean the one on Drury Lane?%26quot;
Reply:he stole my bagel. T_T
Reply:This question is much too deep :)
Reply:I love iiitttt
Reply:Do you mean the muffin man who lives in Drury Lane?

Damn! Curiousgeorge beat me to it.

he%26#039;s my secret lover... :] shh don%26#039;t tell anyone
Reply:yes....... wait...

the raisin one or the banana nut
Reply:Sure he lives on Drury Lane.

Quite a mess there last week after a Gingerbread man ransacked the place. There were gumdrop buttons from one side of London to the other.

Why try if we all die?

simple question.
Why try if we all die?
There is more to living than just this life. You can experience eternal life through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Why try if we all die?
I didn%26#039;t. Why did you?
Reply:I don%26#039;t see why eventually dying would have any implications on trying while you%26#039;re still alive.

unless you believe that any efforts you would give would only be felt after you%26#039;ve died, and you only care about what affects you directly rather than others around and those that would live after you%26#039;ve died.

but such things that can only be felt once you%26#039;ve died are very rare. and i think having an attitude where one only cares about how things directly affect them is bad because it is directly bad to others, and indirectly bad to you, worse than just trying for yourself.

for example traffic would move much smoother if everyone drove for the good of others and for the sake of having traffic flow. but what happens is people tend to drive only thinking about them getting places faster, so they drive how they think benifits them. but this makes congestion worse and actually slows them down in the present, and by spreading their behaviour to others will cause others to slow them down that way in the future as well.
Reply:because after we die, we will live again.

simple answer.
Reply:It%26#039;s the experience of only getting to do it once ever. Plus, it%26#039;s annoying to think like that.
Reply:As a Christian, I believe that the point of life is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others so they can go to Heaven and not hell. I have struggled with depression and entertained passing thoughts of suicide because of that very question (i%26#039;m just gonna die what is the point) Every time I have come back to the fact that I need to share the gospel and God has a plan for me.
Reply:because if no one tried before each of us than we%26#039;d have nothing to live on NOW. if we didn%26#039;t try, it would just be harder for all the people after us. We should live our life to the fullest and try [even if we all will die someday] so we can achieve as much as we can during the time we have to live.

what if no one tried to find a cure for diseases, or even a simple cold? seriously. we%26#039;d all die FASTER.

%26lt;3 hope i helped.
Reply:Nothing I do can ever be a meaningful failure! Who%26#039;ll remember it?
Reply:Human beings have a great instinct to survive. We could be in a hopeless situation, where there could be no route but death, and still we would try our best to get out of the situation.


Because that%26#039;s just what we are. It%26#039;s just what all beings are. You think an antelope doesn%26#039;t try to outrun the cheetah even if it may be impossible? Of course it fights. The animals just don%26#039;t ask %26quot;Why?%26quot;; perhaps they think %26quot;Why not?%26quot; Perhaps they know something about the afterlife that we don%26#039;t.

However, I%26#039;ve seen people that have given up. They don%26#039;t even seem..human in a sense. My Nanny had cancer, and I could see in her eyes that she was giving up. In such a long period of time like that, it breaks a person. One day she said, %26quot;I don%26#039;t want to live anymore.%26quot; and the next day she died.

Without this instinct, we wouldn%26#039;t live longer than a few days. Humans aren%26#039;t built this way; we%26#039;re constructed with plenty of hope in ourselves, whether we acknowledge it or not.

And besides, why give up the only thing you are only ever truly given? If He gives you one thing, it is life. Whether people appreciate it or not is one thing, or even if they don%26#039;t even notice it; subconciously, we all know this is all we have.
Reply:If we don%26#039;t try, what should we do while we wait for it.
Reply:We are living creatures with existence. It is within our nature to want to try just as it is natural for a plant to grow and survive, and then mature to reproduce. The same is true for animals and other living creatures.

In the end it is not because we consciously try but it is because of who and what we are a s species. We do what comes naturally and necessary in order to survive.

We die the same we we live. It is natural for that to happen. We do not try to die. Does that make sense?

Why do people assume that any other possible life in the universe is "advanced"?

Would it not be possible, theoretically, for there to be other civilizations in the universe, that are far LESS advanced than we? What if we are the most advanced beings in the universe, assuming there are others? Why do people always think that if there are extraterrestrials, that they would be far more advanced than we?
Why do people assume that any other possible life in the universe is %26quot;advanced%26quot;?
Good Q dan and with a lot of depth...

I feel for sure out-there will be MANY inhabited planets, some more and less advanced than us. Im a believer that the planets resources limit certain achievements??

Advancements...Yep maybe skipping through the solar system is easy for them and what we consider remedial things to us they%26#039;d struggle with??

I firmly believe that your governed by your planets resources...
Why do people assume that any other possible life in the universe is %26quot;advanced%26quot;?
you gave best answer to the one that will please you most, pointless! Report It

Reply:I don%26#039;t think they do. just the ones that would allegedly visit us, or be able to contact us.

i think actually that it is far less likely that civilizations would be more advanced than us, because when you get as smart as we are, you create technology and societal structure that eliminates the need for the specie to evolve to be smarter, and the society like ours seems to be doing, is likely to destroy itself.

i think alot would need to go right, for a specie to survive long enough with technology, to be able to surpass us by a large margin.

one thing i%26#039;m almost sure of though, they would almost certainly need to be more enlightened kind and peaceful than we are. they would not be malicious i don%26#039;t think such as movies like independence day portray.
Reply:I think maybe they are more advanced.. whatever life there is in the ever expanding universe, why would they want to pay a visit to say hi? As humans, and how we`ve distroyed so much, assumed superior than any other life on earth, . we dont have much to be proud of, do we? How advanced are we anyway?.. Is technology and weapons, war, famine, disease, concrete jungles.. using all natural resourses no matter what the cost..

I dont think we have anything any other life forms that are out there, would want.

Lets hope theyre not the Landlords of Planets, cos personally i somehow think we broke all our tenancy agreements to live on earth.
Reply:in most part people do not appreciate their current life, for it implied a lot of they dream of another life more advance less primitive...Ultimately Life shows itself as we believe in it.Like a God...God will appear to you as you believe in Him. Speaking of different religions, citadels of all kind of related beliefs. All Divine principles based on that.
Reply:I don%26#039;t know where you get the idea that people think that? It is probably used in the context of life that visits our planet. Since we do not have the means to visit anything beyond the moon then we assume it would take a more advanced society to visit us. Scientists that thought there was life on Mars were looking for Algae not an advanced life form.

Reply:It%26#039;s a matter of hope that they can teach us the technology %50 chance that they would be advanced and %50 chance that they will not also have you seen UFOs and secret files of aliens before? that also really shows evidence that aliens have more technology.
Reply:i think this is a really good point actually,i personally don%26#039;t believe in other lifeforms outside planet earth but if i were to be proved wrong i would definitely be bigging us humans up to be the most intelligent...
Reply:I agree with Hobbes in %26quot;Calvin and Hobbes%26quot; when he says %26quot;The most persuasive piece of evidence that there is intelligent life in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us yet%26quot;!
Reply:Because for now, that we aren%26#039;t advanced enough for that, we could only know if there was extraterrestrial life if those other civilizations find us and not us finding them.
Reply:I reckon that there is an entire universe out there that is populated by Jade Goody%26#039;s!...married to builders with flags of St George draped all over their houses.

Call me optimistic!
Reply:have you seen GW Bush? And he is the most powerful man on the planet. With him as our yardstick anything else has to be an improvement
Reply:good question
Reply:I don%26#039;t. Other life could be nothing more than amoebas.

What's your idea of elegance and grace?

What%26#039;s your idea of elegance and grace?
farting silently instead of cocking a leg trumping then shouting %26#039;with a bit more gas she would have started%26#039;
What%26#039;s your idea of elegance and grace?
Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire

Princess Diana

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

---the opposite of britney spears
Reply:havin mamners and bein very respectful
Reply:grace to me is precise fluid motion.

elegance is complex result by simple means.
Reply:If I could show it in a Picture it would be a Hummingbird in slow motion drawing towards a flower..... oh wait.... that%26#039;s already in a picture.... a scene in the movie %26quot;Star Trek - First Contact%26quot;! Well it captured elegance %26amp; grace within a moment of time, which I often enjoy remembering.

What are your strenghts, weekness, and greatest fears?


feelings of inadequacy

What are your strenghts, weekness, and greatest fears?
about my strengths I%26#039;ll be short... my genuineness, my intelligence and sometimes my naivety. my weaknesses are my limits and my fears are my weaknesses

if I were to speak about my limits I would write you a novel...
What are your strenghts, weekness, and greatest fears?
strength: desire to improve,

weakness: failure to recognize all my weaknesses/improve them.

for fear emotionally lots, heights, fer of being in front a big crowd, snorkeling in the ocean. It%26#039;s hasen%26#039;t happened to me but i%26#039;m sure being face to face with a lion would be pretty scary.

logically my greatest fear is that mankind is doomed.
Reply:My weakness (not weekness) is for correcting people%26#039;s spelling %26amp; grammar.

My strength is my sense of humor

My greatest fear is of putting my fears out over the internet.
Reply:Weakness- feelings, strenghts-feelings, fears- I havent
Reply:Strengths: I am intelligent, I laugh a lot, I make good friends, I%26#039;m outgoing.

Weaknesses: I use my outgoing-ness to hide that I am insecure, I react negatively to criticism

Greatest Fears: I am afraid of being alone, of the dark, and of being attacked and not being able to stop it.
Reply:My strength is having the knowledge that God gave me weaknesses to overcome to make me stronger. My greatest weakness is impulsiveness and I have no fear of anything serious except maybe ................if I told you here then the other side would know and attack.....and that%26#039;s my fear;probably.( We wrestle not against flesh and blood....)

Is there a logical fallacy in this statement?

By the time this concert ends this evening, 30,000 Africans will have died because of extreme poverty. By this time tomorrow evening, another 30,000
Is there a logical fallacy in this statement?
they would have died whether the concert went ahead or not

sad but true
Is there a logical fallacy in this statement?
Assuming your statistic is valid, no.
Reply:i don%26#039;t think any fallacies, but your premises might be wrong.
Reply:From the sound of it there is no fallacy. you did not relate the number to the time if you had it would have been the fallacy of time, post hoc ergo propter hoc. an exaple of this fallacy is: The economy was good because Clinton was president. the president doesn%26#039;t decide the economy.
Reply:It is the fallacy of the creation of wealth. Wealth is created, not horded. 30,000 Africans are not dying because of the concert. Its not our fault that we have created wealth and the Africans didn%26#039;t. They can blaim colonialism, but some of the most prosperous nations on Earth (America, Hong Kong, Australia) all started out as colonies. America didn%26#039;t invade the African wilderness and start pillaging computers, cars, amplifiers and guitars, we created them on our own. It is our right to enjoy them, just as it would be if the situation was reversed and it was the Africans who were prosperous and the West who were dirt poor.

If Africa wants to stop its eternal misery, it needs to shed its oppressive, tyrannic governments that oppress them in the name of saving them. It needs to adopt free markets in the way that all of the more successful former European colonies of the world adopted them.
Reply:By the time you read this answer, you%26#039;ve already read it!
Reply:Apparently Bono was at a concert recently, and called the crowd to silence. Then he started clapping his hands every few seconds, and after a while said: %26quot;Every time I clap my hands, an African dies.%26quot;

A loud voice from the audience cried: %26quot;Well, stop clapping your hands, you bastard!%26quot;
Reply:The issue is not a logical fallacy but a factual inaccuracy.

The duration of the concert is independent to the number of Africans who will have died. IOW, the statement compared the value of deaths (30,000) on two separate and unrelated time tables.

Accurately reflecting the statistic would be %26quot;by the end of today, 30,000...%26quot;. Or, by referencing a concert again for the following day, %26quot;By the end of the concernt tomorrow evening...%26quot;
Reply:Is right, perhaps more and this is very sad, this mean I cann麓t let my life in goverments hands.
Reply:The duration of the concert have to be 24hrs for this statement to be correct.

What's the meaning of life?

A great movie by Monty Python.
What%26#039;s the meaning of life?
What%26#039;s the meaning of life?
Reply:Every individual is free to define and redefine life%26#039;s meaning for themselves.
Reply:To glorify God.
Reply:To live life to it%26#039;s fullest. It depends on what you want to live for. You may simply find the meaning or you have to search for it. If you%26#039;re an adventurous person, living life to the fullest may be setting a goal to visit places you%26#039;ve always wanted to go. A dare devil would be never backing down from a dare, being fearless, and looking for the next high. Someone who wants to help others would be going to 3rd world countries and save as many as possible. A preacher would help save others and help them find their way to god. you just have to find yours.
Reply:Where do you look for meaning? i will talk about positive things in our life like :-

peace , happiness and alots of good things the key or the simple truth of what im saying is trust in God .

wish u long life :)
Reply:You must be new. Everybody knows the meaning of life is.....Sweet, fluffy little kittens; chasing butterflies under a rainbow, in a meadow full of wild-flowers.
Reply:click below and see for yourself
Reply:Life can mean many different things depending on who we are, what we think and what we do. Our life in this world is like a journey where we pass through joy, happiness, sorrow, pain and suffering. In the process of passing each phase we can learn something new from it, regarding ourselves, regarding the people we love, regarding morals, ethics, divine etc. One way of finding those aspects can be through suffering; but it certainly isn鈥檛 the only way. But if suffering is a part of life which everyone has to go through at some point; instead of taking it as a bad thing why not take it as a challenge, and struggle to find some sort of meaning as the meaning of life might just be the search for making life meaningful.-----------(tht%26#039;s just a paragraph from one of my papers on Man%26#039;s search for meaning)

Are the mind and the body two different entities or are they reliant on each other?

the body is physical, but what is the mind?, and how are these two things linked? do they depend on eachother or can they survive alone?
Are the mind and the body two different entities or are they reliant on each other?
the mind is all powerful, but essentially, not real. without thoughts, where is the mind? the body is another heap of earth that moves and performs according to the consciosness it is endowed with. if you investigate the components of the body, it is also empty space, at it%26#039;s core. it is a projection of mind stuff which is basede oin our conditioning: ouir beliefs, our personal ideas, our environment. based on these, it is manifestated as another evolutionary process. a very important one! therefore they are certaintly not two different entities, wholely dependant on one another. just remember, you are not your body or your mind anyway. ;you are the eternal, and still presence behind the two. the awareness that allows all of this world, including your mind and your body, to Be. this is difficult to understand with your mind, because the entity we call ego gets in the way. it is also false. the content of most people%26#039;s minds are filled with their ego.
Are the mind and the body two different entities or are they reliant on each other?
for things like this i like to think of computers. they are very similar minus the self-aware part.

the mind is for human beings as the display on your computer is for your computer.

it%26#039;s a manifestation of signals running through a physical object. and it changes depending on its %26quot;experiences%26quot;.

every computer has a %26quot;personality%26quot; and that is directly a result of the physical %26quot;shape%26quot; of the computer itself

(like image on the hard drive, speed of cpu, ram and whatnot).

and it has a body surrounding its internal organs, that comes in different shapes and colours.

but from a genetics perspective i think the shape of the body and the mind are linked. i think that people that look the same must have certain characteristics of the mind that is similar as well.

i don%26#039;t mean like people with the same color hair, or same color skin, or eyes.

but people that have the same %26quot;look%26quot; like how people with down syndrome, have different colored hair and height, and different color eyes and whatnot, but they all have a same %26quot;look%26quot;.

and i think all people might be this way, but having similar genetics of the mind and similar personality is far from being the same thing. because people%26#039;s personality is also greatly influenced by the events of their lives. also most people i never see another that seems to have the same look as someone else, but sometimes i find it happens.

i think when you say mind you really only mean self awareness in a sense.

the venus fly trap closes on a fly when it %26quot;feels%26quot; it right?

but does it really feel? is it aware of the sensation? i woudl say no it is just automatic.

but whould you give the plant self awareness, this alone would probably create the sensation. simply by being aware of it.

just like you could be fast asleep totally unaware someone tickles your face, you move to brush it away, but the sensation doesn%26#039;t exist at that point, you must be aware of it.

so somehow i think the shape of your brain, is such that you can be self aware, and to be self aware of the workings of your mind and body, emotions and whatnot, i think is what you would call mind.

whether or not you call that physical i don%26#039;t know. are these letters physical? i guess so, is their meaning? is a dream physical? is a color? i think the answer is always yes and no.

just like you could imagine if you considered images on your computer screen to not be physical for the sake of argument, they are still physical in a way because they are i guess in essence the signals that produce them. and those certainly exist physically.

so i think your awareness makes things not seem physical, and your awareness itself, is perhaps not really a physical thing, but it certainly is the product of physical things and requires them to exist. the same way a car moving forward is not a physical thing but it needs all of its parts to go forward.
Reply:The mind is thoughtful and the body si physical. If the simile of a computer was used for the mind, then whichever bit would be the brains where everything is controlled from. The body would be the physical stuff. There was this guy called Descartes, and here is a line from my notes of his work %26quot;Connections between the mind and body%26quot;. His great saying was Cognito ergo sum%26quot; I think therefore I am.%26quot;
Reply:this reminds me of the story when the arms are bragging how strong they are,the legs how fast they can run,the brain how smart it was,each claiming to be the best body part,then the usually shy,unnoticed stomach reminds them that if all the other parts did not work together to give him food then the whole body would die.nothing can survive alone.
Reply:The mind is our experience of the software running in our brains. In actuality it is a series of processes, like the pump on your toilet, that refills when the tank signals it is empty. To learn more, read %26quot;I am a Strange Loop%26quot; by Douglas Hofstadter.
Reply:You may find this interesting:
Reply:Of course they depend on each other kill the body and the also kill the mind

I'm looking for materials to study ethics with my bright fourth grader. We need something thought-provoking.

We have a diversity of faiths (including non-theistic) and ethnicities in the house. The children are free to choose/change their faith. Looking for materials without religious ties.
I%26#039;m looking for materials to study ethics with my bright fourth grader. We need something thought-provoking.
Ethics and morality need have nothing to do with religions or faith systems.

Aristotle, an atheist if ever there was one (%26quot;Publicly we believe in all the gods, privately none...%26quot;) wrote on ethics before there was Jesus Christ, when Judaism was a tiny faith in a land that no one wanted, before Islam existed, around the time of the Buddha, etc.

Use the daily paper and discuss what you see there and ask them how they think they would have acted if the story was about them and why they think they would choose such a course of action.

This was the effective manner fo teaching employed by Socrates however, remember what happened to him after he got the young people of his city/state thinking and how the elders reacted.

On a lighter note, one might also remember his famous last words, %26quot;I drank what?!%26quot;

May it all be well with you and your students.
I%26#039;m looking for materials to study ethics with my bright fourth grader. We need something thought-provoking.
An elder was teaching his grandchildren about life

He said to them, “A fight is going on inside me, it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One wolf is dark – he is fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, competition, superiority, and ego.

“The other wolf is light – he is joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.

“This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too.”

They though about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

The Elder simply replied, “The one you feed.”
Reply:Those rules would be an ideal starting place.

Why is right to be able to change your religion in the household and why is it wrong to not allow the children to change their religion?

Teaching the child to distinguish between beliefs and ethical considerations derived through logic are easily understood in that age range.

Is this good writting???

Time. As we sit, time moves, when we run, time is our judge. There is no escape from it. Its presence causes stress and takes is toll upon the unwilling subjects and citizens obeying the minute hand. We guide our lives around a concept with no mercy. This monster was created in the cruel minds of ancient thinkers when they put a name to the never ending cycle of nights and days and sunrises and sunsets. Emotions can be driven by devious sceduals, brutal agendas, life%26#039;s vicious circle of impending, predictable doom. These are all just mere elements of the true criminal. When time casts its shadow the world falls in darkness. Time is the cocoon wrapping our ever changing world through indescribable processes. But there may never be a butterfly that can escape this paradox of ticks and tocks that consume our life%26#039;s. All we can do is wait for time to be up and for that final alarm bell to ring.
Is this good writting???
uhhm yes? of course its great

it says alot about feelings and thats great
Is this good writting???
Its very good indeed. Good range of language and sentence structures! ( no im not an English teacher hehe)
Reply:Amazing! Please, be the person who writes my obituary.
Reply:%26quot;takes is toll%26quot; - not English

sceduals - not a word

Aside from the writing that looks like thesaurus vomit, I disagree with what little is actually said beside, %26quot;look I can substitute flowery adjectives for sense.%26quot;
Reply:lol... thesaurus vomit..

What is the meaning of life?

I really dont know, i just wanna know what you guys come up with.
What is the meaning of life?
There is no meaning to life,

When you have nothing worth living for.
What is the meaning of life?
what ever you want it to be! for me i suppose it would be my family, friends and animals. being your self is also high on the list! i suppose as long as you are happy that is the meaning of life!!!
Reply:The opposite of death .
Reply:Friends! i learned this on Tiny Toones 12 years ago!
Reply:music mannnnn ;)
Reply:Automatic first answer (sorry, can%26#039;t help it): 42

My serious answer:

I think the meaning of life is different for everyone. For many people it can be found in religion, but even the most devotedly religious people sometimes don%26#039;t find meaning there. It can be so simple, or so complicated. According to my Religious Education teacher, everyone spends their life searching for meaning - which would suggest that the meaning of life (at least for some people) is to wonder what the meaning of life is.

Our definition of the meaning of life has become a bit skewed. I think people are really looking for the point, not the meaning. For me, the point is beauty. In art, in music, in writing, in people, in societies, in landscapes, in dance, in conversation. A lot of people don%26#039;t bother even thinking about this. Others go on long (and mostly pointless) searches for the meaning of life.

I think it%26#039;s different for everyone. This is why we disagree so much. What you see as the %26#039;meaning of life%26#039; is the ultimate description of your personality. Different for everyone. But everyone wants to know.
Reply:%26quot;The Meaning of Life%26quot; is a movie by Monty Python.

The answer to the question depends on who is asked. In the %26quot;Hitchhiker%26#039;s Guide to the Galaxy%26quot; book series by Douglass Adams, the answer to a similar question is %26quot;42%26quot;. Conan the Barbarian in a movie titled with the same name answers it as something like %26quot;to kill your enemies and hear the lamentations of their women%26quot;. There are many movies, books, etc, (including the Bible) with different answers to this question. Logically, it is impossible to prove or disprove any answer to this question so any or all of them may be correct.
Reply:who cares the meaning of my life is get pissed hav fun cus it just is
Reply:I think people spend to much time trying to figure that out instead of enjoying it while it lasts we only get one shot at it. The meaning is not important the fact that you are here and living is all any of us need to know.
Reply:To enjoy life by happily cooperating with our Creator,

who%26#039;s plans for us %26amp; the earth are wonderful to learn about! :

%26quot;...鈥淟ook! The tent of God is with mankind...

And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes,

and death will be no more,

neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.

The former things have passed away.%26quot; --Revelation 21:3,4

%26quot;...Evildoers themselves will be cut off,

But those hoping in Jehovah [God], the meek ones themselves, will possess the earth...

And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.%26quot; --Psalm 37:9-11

God鈥檚 Purpose for the Earth--Soon to be Fulfilled!

Enjoy Our Beautiful Earth

- An Everlasting Gift From the Creator
Reply:There is no meaning. It just is.
Reply:Life can mean many different things depending on who we are, what we think and what we do. Our life in this world is like a journey where we pass through joy, happiness, sorrow, pain and suffering. In the process of passing each phase we can learn something new from it, regarding ourselves, regarding the people we love, regarding morals, ethics, divine etc. One way of finding those aspects can be through suffering; but it certainly isn鈥檛 the only way. But if suffering is a part of life which everyone has to go through at some point; instead of taking it as a bad thing why not take it as a challenge, and struggle to find some sort of meaning as the meaning of life might just be the search for making life meaningful.-----------(tht%26#039;s just a paragraph from one of my papers on Man%26#039;s search for meaning)
Reply:Life really has no meaning, if you want your life to actually mean something you have to enjoy it while you can... Life doesn%26#039;t last forever.
Reply:Simple. Study kabbalah at bnei baruch center and you%26#039;ll understand it. We become to a pointless existence.. trying to fill that %26#039;hole%26#039; with drugs, sex and all kind of stuff.

Take a look:

Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life

Because Your Life Has Meaning - by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD

Kabbalah, Science %26amp; the Meaning of Life traces the milestones of the evolution of science with which we are familiar, such as Newton%26#039;s and Einstein%26#039;s theories but goes further to present the science of Kabbalah as the basis for understanding the hidden parts of reality which scientists are now discovering. While other sciences research the definable world around us, Kabbalah teaches us how the spontaneous changes occurring within us affect our surrounding reality. The wisdom of Kabbalah enables us to monitor those changes and control them, and in so doing change our world for the better.


Rav Michael Laitman, PhD talks about the meaning of life, free choice, and life壮s basic questions in this Israeli TV series.

"Blue Fantasies", what is it?

thinking about the future out of the blue.
%26quot;Blue Fantasies%26quot;, what is it?
depend in which part of a world you are. In Russia , for instance meaning of a color Blue referred to homosexuals...Blue ones. Now term Blue Fantasies start to make sense ,huht?Although it is just a combination of two words and each of them having its own and harmless meaning...see, how complex things would be...unnecessary complex

Why does school only teach certain things & leave out a lot tof stuff?

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How do you think the end of the world will be?

Short and quick for most and long and drawn out the next world war will be the last.
How do you think the end of the world will be?
I guess it will be li...
How do you think the end of the world will be?
Why do you care you will new see it
Reply:i think the world will end when a massive meteorite finally misses jupiter and hits us, or a meteorite destroys jupiter, then there%26#039;s no hope for us. and it would kill us before we know it, or at least most of us.
Reply:Earth Will collapse with the sun making them both explode and it will be a quick and deathly end for mankind
Reply:well my hubby dont get off his ps3 it will be the end of the world for him lol
Reply:We blow it up.
Reply:i%26#039;m not sure
Reply:There will never be an end, just end of life due to global warming and the sea taking over every single piece of land!

Except the fish species.
Reply:i will be the only one left and have to rebuild the world
Reply:When God COMES BACK!!! for crying out loud...Hellloooooo ppl
Reply:The sun will cease to run on fusion and begin fission, resulting in an expansion that will encompass the orbit of the earth, destroying the planet. Won%26#039;t happen for a few billion years though.
Reply:All of mankind will blow it up with the insanity of war, stupidity, gas prices, and so on. Or maybe the sun will eventually explode.
Reply:The end of the world for every one will be different, cause just can die one time and the end can be in an accident or earthquarter, heart disease.......I dont know, every day many people have the end of the world and every day a new world begin for somebody.
Reply:Even if the world did end, i%26#039;m sure humans would find some other ingenious planet to corrupt, and slowly we would spread, and breed.

Like Germs.

The human race is one big blob of bacteria on a beautiful universe.

The Earth will most likey be destroyed by nuclear war,

What%26#039;s the point in having nuclear weapons if they%26#039;re never used?

Someone will find that point and exploit it sooner of later..
Reply:volcanic eruption or


Reply:I shudder to even think about it, but I guess we%26#039;ll all find out this coming Dec. 21, 2012......?

my guess is some of us will die quick, some very long lingering painful deaths, some frantically praying in fear, some in denial walking/wondering aimlessly, some stealing whatever they can get their hands on then suddenly realize the end is now as it happens, some huddled with family %26amp; friends saying their last goodbyes as each is violently taken from the other, some drinking, toking, shooting up to feel nothing when they meet their maker, OMG I could go on %26amp; on...

Whatever the end of the world looks like or is caused by, there are times I think we will have deserved it, but today is not one of those days, so I hope the power of positive thought will win out %26amp; some day, when you %26amp; I will be long gone, there will be as close to a Utopian world existing..... cause I believe in Reincarnation %26amp; I%26#039;d like to return to see what it%26#039;s like compared to what life is now.
Reply:The sun will go nova in 5 billion years. In the meantime, no matter what humans do or what catastrophies take place, there will always be some survivors.

Even in extinction events, some life survives. What society or our species would evolve into under those conditions is another case entirely.

We will have long dead and turned to dust before it ever happens.
Reply:Well we%26#039;ll probably all have a nice cup of tea and just wait until the whole thing blows over.
Reply:Not by any bomb but by another planet accidentally hitting ours while we are planning a trip to moon or marsh.
Reply:Vogons will come to trash earth.
Reply:before the next 6.7 billion years
Reply:I don%26#039;t understand how we can be the most intelligent generation on earth and be so concerned about our own demise? I choose rather to think about a brighter tomorrow in the hopes that our children won%26#039;t pick up our negativity and look for real solutions to solve these problems. That is why we should instill in them hope, love, with clear minds, to face these challenges. And that our generation will be the last one with this negative thinking. The future of the world is in the arms of new parents. They are the solution and the hope for tomorrow. Later.
Reply:who says it will end..?

why worry or care about that anyway?

if / when it ends you will not be around to care about it or see it, so it doesn%26#039;t really matter.

Can%26#039;t say I care, I know I shall already be long gone and dead.

Would it be such a good idea on a project such as Collins submarine computerization to leave people suffering?

from %26quot;critical incident stress disorder%26quot;, or suffering from %26quot;Stockholm syndrome%26quot;, solely responsible for safety critical software ?

Of course, these people could make an excellent contribution as part of a team. But if they are on the team won%26#039;t they tend to seize the reins and tend to generate incidents that generate %26quot;critical incident stress disorder%26quot; or %26quot;stockholm system%26quot; in third parties. If these third parties are drawn into the project won%26#039;t this cycle tend to continue ?
Would it be such a good idea on a project such as Collins submarine computerization to leave people suffering?
Not likely.

From my experience, people like this tend to get marginalized and/or thrown off the project. No one likes to work with others who cannot pull their weight, as a person suffering from either of these conditions would. The lead would be the first person to try to remove him or her.

Now I know what you%26#039;re thinking, you%26#039;re thinking %26quot;what if the lead is the nutcase?%26quot; Well, that could happen. In this case, his or her immediate supervisor on the project would do the same thing -- get him or her replaced.

I%26#039;ve seen this (actually, I benefited from this) on one program.

The lead did not listen to the customer. The customer insisted that the guy be replaced.

Would a person suffering from "critical incident stress disorder" or "Stockholm syndrome" be likely, if ......

recruited to an organization, to seize the reins of the organization, and generate incidents which would generate %26quot;critical incident stress disorder%26quot; or %26quot;stockholm syndrome%26quot; in third parties ?
Would a person suffering from %26quot;critical incident stress disorder%26quot; or %26quot;Stockholm syndrome%26quot; be likely, if ......
Some of the guys who were hostages in Iran set up a pro-Iranian militant think tank after their release. They didn%26#039;t seize the reins of anything. Patty Hearst joined the SLA and robbed some banks. Is that seizing the reins of an organization?

You seem to think that Stockholm syndrome leads to one specific type of behavior in the world. The %26quot;one specific type of behavior%26quot; that Stockholm Syndrome incurs is an identification with the kidnapper/assailant.

If you got kidnapped by Disney you would probably take up cartooning, if you got kidnapped by A%26amp;E you would probably take up watching opera. There is no %26quot;one specific type of behavior%26quot; that results from Stockholm syndrome to speculate about, other than identification with the assailant.
Would a person suffering from %26quot;critical incident stress disorder%26quot; or %26quot;Stockholm syndrome%26quot; be likely, if ......
Likely, as we reap what we sow, get what we give!

If god told us not to be judgemental, than why is he being judgemental in a bitter way?why can he accept us?

for being different? i promise u, u may not realize what god is doing,but one day u will give up on god, don%26#039;t u ever wonder why so many people use to love god, go aganist him, because he is full of nonsense, he confuse people, he trying to drive us crazy, wonder why most of his angel up in heaven are aganist him,because he is too stubborn, he can%26#039;t even destroy satan, why the hell would u let someone rule the world that u created, that show he have no power or he is weak, and he is jealous that people are not on his side ,but in satan, why would he want to be jealous, when he can use his so call power and destory him, he never did, because he want us to know who is satan, i guess people not only know him, but listen to him too? i don%26#039;t waht plan he got, he his plan will be destroy,maybe he fear satan, if he is jealous of him, maybe he do fear satan?
If god told us not to be judgemental, than why is he being judgemental in a bitter way?why can he accept us?
These are very good questions to ask. Nobody can answer them for you, it%26#039;s up to you to decide. Kodus for thinking for yourself!
If god told us not to be judgemental, than why is he being judgemental in a bitter way?why can he accept us?
before you go on a rambling spree make sure what you type makes sense.
Reply:This is one of those few times when I say %26quot;It is all about your opinion.%26quot; If you were a Deist, you would say God does not do anything but perhaps sit back and watch.
Reply:These are very complicated question that would be very difficult to answer if they are possible to answer at all. In short the answer is that we sinned and that has brought many horrible consequences into the world. Look at the first couple of chapter of Job on for answers about the whole satan thing. It may not answer all of your questions but it is a start. It is so good that you are questioning God and looking for the right answers. I ask many questions and am very confused about many things but I urge you to trust in God and know that he know best. God Bless you!
Reply:Either way you%26#039;d better hope he (or she)%26#039;s not reading this or you%26#039;re gonna get the sharp end of a lightning bolt!
Reply:Our society uses the word %26quot;judgemental%26quot; as an insult. Having good judgement is considered a good thing and using it should be admired. God told us to use good judgement and to be discerning. Whether you believe in God or not it is still wise advice. What God is warning us against is being hypercritical of others as a way of avoiding having to look into our own hearts and actions in an honest manner.

Being condemning of others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves or rationalizing our own bad behaviour.

As for God passing judgement, it is because he is the judge. That is his right and part of his role. You are saying, who is he to judge me. The answer? God. It doesn%26#039;t get any higher up the food chain than that. (I know some of you don%26#039;t believe but I%26#039;m just answering someone who is coming from a believer standpoint.).

The good news is that you don%26#039;t have to worship him, follow him or honour him. You can choose whatever leader you want. If it is satan, well, good luck with that. I can%26#039;t imagine he has a great track record in treating people well but it%26#039;s your choice.
Reply:You need to read what I type really seriously. God is not what you think he is, he is not some wish you have to make the world peaceful or the way you want it. I%26#039;ve had my doubts sometimes, but I still believe in him fully. Ok, God did not say that he can%26#039;t accept us for being different, he didn%26#039;t write the bible. You are taking things to literal, everything in the bible isn%26#039;t what you think it is. The bible is just a way of giving lessons God wanted us to know. The stories are metaphors for things that we need to know for when we need it at the world%26#039;s end. I totally understand where you are coming from, but God didn%26#039;t say all the things people have said he%26#039;s said. The only person who have ever known a word that has came out of God%26#039;s mouth is his son. We are not flesh, you think that this world is just a place we live and die. We are on Earth to learn the things we need to know, to make it to the heavens. If their were no Satan, there would be no free will and I don%26#039;t know about you but I want to live an adventure and experience bad things. If their were just all good there would be no reason to live. I am not a priest or some church maniac, I don%26#039;t even go to church, because God is in me, not a damn church. He is not judgemental if he were I don%26#039;t understand the point of him creating us. Satan and God are good and evil. It would make no sense for God to kill Satan, Satan is the key to freewill. I HATE Satan he ****** up some of my life already, and it was my wrong doing, not God, I have to take responsibility for my own actions . Things bad that happen are things to help us, it may not seem that way, but you%26#039;ll realise when something bad happens. People don%26#039;t stay confused forever, we will know, when the time comes.
Reply:God is perfect. He is the only one perfect enough to judge fairly. He allowed Satan into the world because he wanted humans to love him, and how can you love someone if you don%26#039;t have a choice between them and something else. That%26#039;s why the words %26#039;in sickness and in health%26#039; are a part of wedding vows. If life never had any hardships, how could you know that someone would still love during a crisis? I don%26#039;t know if God fears Satan, but the only reason he would is that Satan can steal us away through temptation and doubt, so that we do not choose God. The reason He has not yet destroyed Satan is because he has a plan for how and when. He will not destroy Satan until humanity has progressed enough. The events at the destruction of Satan and the end of the world can be found at the end of the Bible, in the book of Revelations. You can take the events as if they were written metaphorically or literally, but I recommend literally. It never hurts to be prepared. I hope you find fitting answers for all of your questions. God Bless.
Reply:I think that man`s involvement of how we percieve god, is so far damaged, it wont be long before breakdown in belief is inevitable. Its seen as gods wrath when disaster occurs of which we beleive we have no control. Men decided how the Bible should be put together. And yet so many testaments, and information held from ever knowing.

God didnt write the Bible, as the New Testement were one persons perception and opinion of what was witnessed by themselves. Do we accept that when one person makes a statement alone, who would be ready to just accept that statement right or true?

Mans selfishness to, manipulate in what context they choose to percieve rather to just accept.. and over time, the bible is now too complex and demanding. God doesnt kill people, God doesnt let millions die of famine, Man is responsible. Too many say %26quot; I wont judge you, but God will%26quot; But is that a Personal judement to say even that?

God made it simple to understand. Man has made God a complicated puzzle, decided that %26quot;The Truth%26quot; is known only in secret societys, elite, and powerful have more knowledge than a poor man does.

God is God. You are You. It is That It Is. and no puzzles in the middle.
Reply:I%26#039;ll tell you why. God is imaginary. Those three words answer all of your questions. Wow.
Reply:how is God being %26#039;judgemental in a bitter way?%26#039; if he was, ten earthquakes would be shaking up the earth every day, the soil would no longer be fit for production, the seas should have gone dry, the skies should have stopped raining. He DOES accept us for what we are, sins and all, that%26#039;s why we still have providence after thousands of years of disobedience and false idolatry. He does not let satan rule the world, he leaves the choice up to us. do we give in to temptation or do we stick by his love and forgiveness?

of course, we both know nothing i can write here will change your mind. i just hope you keep accusations like these to yourself and stop poisoning others%26#039; minds.

May God be with you.

What would you do if you were proven wrong?

I am a Christian and I wondered what people of other beliefs would do. I know that I would probably go into denial, living on the vain hope that humans had once again made a mistake. To me, a world with no God is a world with no hope. In evolution, there is no room for souls, or an afterlife. We are simply an accident of science, and in comparison to the scheme of things, we exist only for a moment. Our sole purpose is to further the existence of our species. We live, we reproduce, we die. No room for love or real meaning in our own existence. Humans would never have known perfect love, because the Christian story would be a fairy tale. There would be no such thing as perfection, and no heroes. If I accepted the information I had been presented with, I would most likely try to do the best I could to impact the world, or just give up.

I imagine it would be just as hard for anybody else to give up their belief.
What would you do if you were proven wrong?
%26quot;A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.%26quot; Ben Franklin
What would you do if you were proven wrong?
I am a Christian also and I am right there with you. I think the first thing I would do would be to go out and get a gun....i think you get the point
Reply:I think that to many things in this life fit together perfectly, even down to the molecular level that its hard not to believe that someone or something created it.

Although there is no %26quot;scientific proof%26quot; id like to think that theres always someone there for me to fall back on, whether its true or not, i dont know. but its nice to have something to believe in.

if i was scientifically proven wrong somehow, i would have to accept it, i wouldnt be indenial about it but i wouldnt entirely give up on God.
Reply:Accept the fact and let it go. Even if we were the product of evolution, it is not true that there is no room for soul, love, and purpose. We humans create our purpose: to know as much as we can about this world and only if we serve that purpose do we lose hope.

There is room for love for even Atheists ans Agnostics hold it so near to their heart. Yes, it could be explained by science but you cannot describe how you feel.

There would still be perfection for that is what we strive for. God or no God, we humans will not falter for we now know how we were but now we should find out how we will.
Reply:I do not believe in god, and there is still love and meaning in my life. Perfection is only in the eye of the person who thinks something is perfect, and go tell the firefighters from 9/11 that there are no heroes! See what they have to say on that matter. You do not need to have a god to have hope! You do not need god to have any of these things, you just need good hearted kind caring and brave people for them to exist.

But none of this matters because no matter how much irrefutable proof they come up with to prove there is no god, the fanatics will always be fanatics, and you will never be able to convince them there is no god.
Reply:I don%26#039;t understand why some Christians HAVE to believe every word the bible says. I bet if Jesus were to show up right now, he would rip the bible in half and tell of his followers how stupid they are. The bible was written by MAN. Stupid, dispicible, egotistical, man. It was written by the same types as The Book of Mormons. Have you ever really studied where the bible actually did come you know who the Council of Nicaea where? FIND OUT! We did evolve and we DO have a soul. The Christian story IS a fairy tale but Christ Consciousness is not! Heaven and Hell are states of consciousness that one lives in based on how awakened the person is. When we die, our energy or soul, returns from where it came from.

Read %26quot;A New Earth%26quot; by Eckhart Tolle.
Reply:If I were proven wrong, and there really is a God, whether in the form of a man or not, I would stand corrected %26amp; strive to be more humble in the afterlife of heaven.

If I were proven wrong, and the existence of sentient beings are here for one time only, well I guess my lifes plan has a few things missing %26amp; I%26#039;ll feel regretful, but eventually let it go.

If I were proven wrong, and we really do Reincarnate, I%26#039;m glad I behaved in a giving manner towards my fellow beings %26amp; choose to wait a few years before I return to live another life to learn, experience, %26amp; evolve.

If I were proven wrong, and we will always continue to exist in an energy form, constantly changing %26amp; in motion til our form takes another solid state, I think I%26#039;d feel free, free of constraints, free to be, free to evolve.

If I were proven wrong, and we actually don%26#039;t exist at all, our conscience beliefs are mere illusions from some other entities creative conscience, I%26#039;d be glad I existed at all, even if, in a moment of my own figment of time.

Whatever the truth is, someday we%26#039;ll discover it each on our own, but I don%26#039;t believe it will change the course or path we are already on, that change %26amp; that knowledge will be revealed when we ourselves are ready.
Reply:It%26#039;s extremely hard to give up on a belief unless you come to feel that you were cheated by what you believed was real. It%26#039;s a very painful process and in general does not turn out well on the emotional level.

I used to be a Christian but as I learned more and more about different civilizations and philosophies, it came to me that my faith in God was symptomatic of a need to believe in something in the after life. I just replaced it with other things that I slowly took as viable possibilities.

You can accept to be proven wrong without suffering when you know that your own truth is safe in your own heart and mind. It%26#039;s up to you if you want it to change or be replaced, you have to be aware that every truth is different from a person to another - no matter how scary that sounds, because once you become completely open-minded you realize that a world without belief is similar to the infinite void of space that drives people insane...

...metaphorically speaking.

Have faith!
Reply:I don%26#039;t believe in God. Were I proven wrong I%26#039;d happily accept my incorrectness and move on. My lack of belief is based solely on lack of evidence... so if I were presented with strong enough evidence I%26#039;d change my views.

I%26#039;m also a former Christian (albeit skeptically) and my transition to atheist was at times painful but I now far prefer my worldview to what it was before.

Many atheists enjoy finding their own purpose in understanding how the universe works though sciences like physics math and biology, or contemplation into subjects like philosophy and using this knowledge to better themselves and making others%26#039; lives more enjoyable while we%26#039;re here. In my view, we only get one shot, might as well touch as many people and learn as much as we can while we%26#039;re here. Lack of God doesn%26#039;t imply lack of purpose or meaning, it just implies a different source of meaning. Love is likewise no less significant just because it may come from a purely chemical reaction. Sentience, life, and emotion are gifts regardless of where they come or don%26#039;t come from.

Enjoy life! Whether or not a God exists we should all do our very best to enjoy this life and not worry about death! What will be will be!
Reply:If I was proven wrong I would be right, because I have said that 99% of the ideas of 99% of the people in 99% of history was total nonsense, so why am I likely to be any different. What I believe, I believe because it makes my life worthwhile, not because some %26quot;scientist%26quot; tells me it is so. Evolution is a theory and science is a tool. If you say the celcius scale leaves no room for souls, God or an afterlife, you would sound pretty silly wouldn%26#039;t you? Well what more is evolutionary theory than the celsius scale? They are just ideas, tools and descriptions, not meant to be belief systems or carnival gypsies that answer all questions. Science typically asks more questions than it can answer, and if that causes some people to fall into skepticism, well more fool they, because there are many ways the mind can answer questions besides science: meditation and contemplation, imagining and daydreaming, creating and interpreting and yes, revelation and prayer.

The fact that I have no use for psychics doesn%26#039;t make me more logical and people who use psychics fools (no matter what I might think about it.) In reality it is I who have closed my mind, and they who are the explorers and maybe discoverers.

So don%26#039;t confuse belief with being unscientific. They are different tools to understand the world.
Reply:I%26#039; agree with your assessment about life and the perception between a believer in the afterlife and the nonbeliever. Even though in life they we have similar experiences our realization is that once death happens it is not the end. But merely a doorway into eternity.

It shows that time truly is passing for us. Consider our existence in our passage through time. We existed only as genetic potential in our ancestors and parents genes. Then when we are born we exist in our physical bodies. When we die we exist in memories, in monuments left by us. In time and space of events that cannot be changed. We are a permanent part of history. So that even the past is present with us in the landscape of time that man exists on this earth.

Those are the passages of time that we %26quot;exist%26quot; in. This is not belief but reality. I cannot give up my belief it it based on observation that is based on reality that is the truth.