Thursday, March 26, 2009

Would a person suffering from "critical incident stress disorder" or "Stockholm syndrome" be likely, if ......

recruited to an organization, to seize the reins of the organization, and generate incidents which would generate %26quot;critical incident stress disorder%26quot; or %26quot;stockholm syndrome%26quot; in third parties ?
Would a person suffering from %26quot;critical incident stress disorder%26quot; or %26quot;Stockholm syndrome%26quot; be likely, if ......
Some of the guys who were hostages in Iran set up a pro-Iranian militant think tank after their release. They didn%26#039;t seize the reins of anything. Patty Hearst joined the SLA and robbed some banks. Is that seizing the reins of an organization?

You seem to think that Stockholm syndrome leads to one specific type of behavior in the world. The %26quot;one specific type of behavior%26quot; that Stockholm Syndrome incurs is an identification with the kidnapper/assailant.

If you got kidnapped by Disney you would probably take up cartooning, if you got kidnapped by A%26amp;E you would probably take up watching opera. There is no %26quot;one specific type of behavior%26quot; that results from Stockholm syndrome to speculate about, other than identification with the assailant.
Would a person suffering from %26quot;critical incident stress disorder%26quot; or %26quot;Stockholm syndrome%26quot; be likely, if ......
Likely, as we reap what we sow, get what we give!

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