Thursday, March 26, 2009

What's your meaning on life?

Mine is very mixed up. I want to believe in god, but the scientific facts sound very convincing. And sometimes religion gets on my nerves with how corny and fake it seems. I feel the responsibility in myself to try and figure out a little bit because I%26#039;m very curious, and my mind is always wandering around this topic. But being only 14, I also want to just say %26#039;screw this!%26#039; and just have fun. But in the back of my mind sometimes, I don%26#039;t like how arrogant I seem. I also think maybe life is a dream. I think life isn%26#039;t just to live, or enjoy it. There are too many other emotions to feel than just happiness. But then I think maybe this is just something humans make up, like words and speech. Then I feel like the human population is getting mislead away from the meaning of life. I feel like our goal is to find the Meaning of;s just so hard.

What%26#039;s your Meaning on Life?

Feedback on mine would be helpful, too.

What%26#039;s your meaning on life?
success and money
What%26#039;s your meaning on life?
to live it to the fullest
Reply:I don%26#039;t give it one.
Reply:I find my meaning for life in the Word of God.

My purpose on this earth: glorifying God with everything that is within me

Read the Bible, you%26#039;ll not be dissappointed.
Reply:MY meaning on life?

To glorify God in all that I do, say, and think.

And to try my best to keep the commandments.

and to lead others to Him.

It sounds hard..and it is. But its worth it.


May God Bless,

Reply:To make money and accomplish something.Not nececcerilly to be rich but to make money
Reply:life is really short

education = dollars

dollars can buy happiness

when life is over it%26#039;s over - like a flower

remember that you dream with your mind

not your soul . and when the mind stops

so does the dream .....
Reply:#1- i believe completely and totally in God, but MY main goal is to be awesome and listen to these 2 bands and they r so cool that i aint tellin u who they r. nobdy nos who they r.

#2- i also am a christan. my main goal is to tell people about Jesus.and those idiots that dont believe in Him r crazy nuts.
Reply:Row, row row your boat

(Meaning: we are here to act in the world)

Gently down the stream

(Relax and go with the flow,)

Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily, Life is but a dream

(Isn%26#039;t it funny, none of it is even real!)
Reply:I%26#039;d say the question of God is separate from science. Evolution is pretty well accepted by reputable scientists. Aside from that, it%26#039;s near-impossible to prove the non-existence of anything and science hasn%26#039;t done so and never could do so with God.

God is transcendent, beyond the scope of science. Science is, by definition, what one can observe. We observe the fossil record and from that, formulate evolutionary theory. But is there a spiritual realm? Is there a God? From science, we have no idea.

Spiritual truths are a different type of knowledge from scientific knowledge. We may feel God working within us. We may have a religious or numinous experience. We could never prove such a thing to anyone else, but we never have to. Our spirituality and the existence of a spiritual realm is beyond the ability of science to comment. Simply put, science is secular, not atheistic.

We can%26#039;t expect to be happy all the time. The best most of us can do is peace of mind with occasional moments of happiness. It%26#039;s sadly ironic if we are unhappy because we are worried about how happy we are.

I know what you are saying with religion seeming silly and corny and it certainly can at many houses of worship, but they%26#039;re not all like that and one%26#039;s faith certainly doesn%26#039;t have to be.

My meaning of life is the first link below. The second is some interesting reading that pertains to what you%26#039;re saying, %26quot;The Will to Believe%26quot; by William James.
Reply:You are so right - you are responsible for your own choice in what you will see as the meaning of your life. And for me, ah... for me, that responsibility is the meaning of my life! It is a joy to be able to choose our inturpretation and objective opinion. You can choose to see life in any way you want. But to be able to make that choice in your own awareness is enlightenment.

So go for it! And jump in with both feet! Taste all of life and find out for your own self the truth! Do not take what others say as fact. In one million years, what will an opinion matter? Enjoy the journey :-)
Reply:Perhaps a better word would be what is the purpose of life? I expect if you are religious you might have this answered for you. Your life can be spent in many different ways. You could have a family and children or pursue a career or both. In the end it comes down to happiness and what you most enjoy, where you think your life would be most rewarding.
Reply:%26quot;life is a dream from which we all must wake%26quot; i havent heard that in years. their are no scientific facts agianst god, only against what is written in holy books.

life is life its simply existence, natures way off keeping meat fresh(thank you dr who). life has no meaning its simply another natural process, there is no point or meaning in it. our lives and what we make of them is what matters we decide our own meaning to life and choose whatever point there may be to it. we have no inherant goals only the ones we set for ourselves. my philosophy of life is huge but its built on a single premise, amuse myself. thats the point to my life, nice simple and easy
Reply:I received a very basic foundation through Sunday school and ultimately I went through school, work, college without a plan - day to day.

One day someone invited me to church and I was given the opportunity to accept Jesus into my life. I could%26#039;ve said no perhaps, I could%26#039;ve run but I didn%26#039;t and in receiving Him into my life I found meaning in life.

Life purpose is a whole other matter, I still am uncertain about career etc. but I have peace over a lot of the things that once troubled me.

The opportunity I received is available to all whom are willing to accept it, especially with someone willing to share with others about Him.

From a Christian perspective, the purpose of life is to know GOD, to follow Him and to share about Him with others and to become the fullest and most complete you, that you possibly can be.

I can understand how you may be feeling. I was fortunate that when %26quot;it came to the wire%26quot; that science did not prevent me from accepting the Lord into my life. Science and religion can co-exist as long as science doesn%26#039;t follow a dogma of evolution or unbelief in GOD.

Your youth is a great gift and I hope that you will enjoy your youth but also be cautious in doing so - sometimes a person may make a mistake or a decision that they later come to regret, especially when it comes to relationships.

There is a lot of confusion and a lot of negativity (sometimes disguised as %26quot;good things%26quot;) in the world today but it is possible to have a good and fulfilling life, not easy though necessarily. I hope that you will find answers to your most important questions.

GOD bless you,


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