Thursday, March 26, 2009

Has America has been shipping jobs overseas BY PLAN since the 1960's as per a report created by the?

Rockefeller Foundation and the Trilateralist Commission ?

Since the 1970%26#039;s has the education system in America has been annihilated by the government ?
Has America has been shipping jobs overseas BY PLAN since the 1960%26#039;s as per a report created by the?
Of course. I already told you so. What you don%26#039;t believe me?
Has America has been shipping jobs overseas BY PLAN since the 1960%26#039;s as per a report created by the?
the plan since the beginning of america was to make as much money as possible.

part of achieving that is getting the cheapest labor possible.

at first that was having black slaves.

then it was having people in the poor countries stay in their own country and work for cheap.
Reply:I%26#039;m not sure about that, but the reason jobs go overseas is because of government regulation. The government taxes and regulates everything. It would be in the best interest of the company to take its business elsewhere, which hurts our economy. So the government needs butt out. Same goes with government schools. Its not the job of the government to educate children. Right now they aren%26#039;t even educating; they are indoctrinating. I%26#039;m not saying we don%26#039;t need the government. The government should only comprise of police fore, a military, and a court system. I could go on, but I%26#039;m sure you%26#039;re bored. %26lt;/rant%26gt;
Reply:Yes,the cheap labor and tax dodging plan! Not new, and certainly not final.
Reply:These are NOT simple systems and a simple answer is NOT appropriate.

Taxes and labor rates do affect where work gets done. There are companies, their lobbies, and congressmen who want to see tax benefits for moving work to certain countries. But these are only part of the issue.

Another part of the issue involves commodity pricing. When something is new, you get monopoly-like prices for it (this is economics, not conspiracy theory). Either you get the monopoly prices because you have a legal monopoly (a patent) or because you are the only one able to produce the product (trade secret). As the product ages, more and more competitors enter the market and the price drops. Eventually, the item becomes a commodity -- all producers get the same price for the item. And commodity pricing benefits low-cost producers.

In the US, we prefer to produce new items that provide a better return on investment. Once the item becomes a commodity, we let the low cost producers build it; be they on shore or off.

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