Thursday, March 26, 2009

Is there a logical fallacy in this statement?

By the time this concert ends this evening, 30,000 Africans will have died because of extreme poverty. By this time tomorrow evening, another 30,000
Is there a logical fallacy in this statement?
they would have died whether the concert went ahead or not

sad but true
Is there a logical fallacy in this statement?
Assuming your statistic is valid, no.
Reply:i don%26#039;t think any fallacies, but your premises might be wrong.
Reply:From the sound of it there is no fallacy. you did not relate the number to the time if you had it would have been the fallacy of time, post hoc ergo propter hoc. an exaple of this fallacy is: The economy was good because Clinton was president. the president doesn%26#039;t decide the economy.
Reply:It is the fallacy of the creation of wealth. Wealth is created, not horded. 30,000 Africans are not dying because of the concert. Its not our fault that we have created wealth and the Africans didn%26#039;t. They can blaim colonialism, but some of the most prosperous nations on Earth (America, Hong Kong, Australia) all started out as colonies. America didn%26#039;t invade the African wilderness and start pillaging computers, cars, amplifiers and guitars, we created them on our own. It is our right to enjoy them, just as it would be if the situation was reversed and it was the Africans who were prosperous and the West who were dirt poor.

If Africa wants to stop its eternal misery, it needs to shed its oppressive, tyrannic governments that oppress them in the name of saving them. It needs to adopt free markets in the way that all of the more successful former European colonies of the world adopted them.
Reply:By the time you read this answer, you%26#039;ve already read it!
Reply:Apparently Bono was at a concert recently, and called the crowd to silence. Then he started clapping his hands every few seconds, and after a while said: %26quot;Every time I clap my hands, an African dies.%26quot;

A loud voice from the audience cried: %26quot;Well, stop clapping your hands, you bastard!%26quot;
Reply:The issue is not a logical fallacy but a factual inaccuracy.

The duration of the concert is independent to the number of Africans who will have died. IOW, the statement compared the value of deaths (30,000) on two separate and unrelated time tables.

Accurately reflecting the statistic would be %26quot;by the end of today, 30,000...%26quot;. Or, by referencing a concert again for the following day, %26quot;By the end of the concernt tomorrow evening...%26quot;
Reply:Is right, perhaps more and this is very sad, this mean I cann麓t let my life in goverments hands.
Reply:The duration of the concert have to be 24hrs for this statement to be correct.

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